M.A. Thesis Journey

Paging Dr. Greene

This past week has been one hell of a roller coaster ride of emotions. During our class last week, I still felt as if I was behind and not on the right track. I wasn’t sure if I was going in the right direction with my project at all. However, Dr. Zamora clarified that I was heading in the right directions, but I needed to get a jump on the psychiatrists’ point of view (pov).

To be honest, I was extremely nervous and scared to start this part of the project because it was the part of the project I wasn’t 100% familiar with. I guess what’s why people obtain master degrees, to push themselves and step out of their comfort zone.

Also, I met with my independent study advisor, Dr. Conti and he was quite impressed with what I have created so far. He’s beyond excited for the final product and cannot wait to see what I come up with next. He did however, gave me some corrections about Lorelei’s’ character and traits. Over all, I’m excited and proud of myself for what I’ve created thus far.

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